Bright Podcasts



Bright church is located in the heart of Knox, Melbourne. Our mission is to make disciples of all nations and see them grow in their faith in God


  • VII – A Study in the Book of Revelation : Letter Six | Matt Wynne


    The Church of Philadelphia was one of only two churches the received good report from Jesus. Jesus commends the church for keeping His word and not denying His name in the face of tribulation. In other words, he commends them for their faithfulness. Faithfulness is an underrated quality in 2022, and yet it will only be faithful churches that make it. This Sunday Ps Matt will explain what it means to be faithful in today's culture.

  • VII – A Study in the Book of Revelation : Letter Five | Ben Fagerland


    Estimates suggest there are around 55,000 Christian denominations. That is staggering! So how do you know if you are part of a real church? Jesus knows and he wrote a letter to a church in Sardis to explain it. In this week's message, Ps Ben explains part of what to look for in a ‘real church’.

  • VII – A Study in the Book of Revelation : Letter Four | Ruth Hooper


    In our culture today, we have many different voices and opinions that can influence our perspective and our life choices. Sometimes, without noticing, we allow room for unhealthy thoughts, actions or beliefs to take place of what God has called us to. In this week’s message, we explore the letter of Thyatira and what we can learn from their mistakes.

  • VII – A Study in the Book of Revelation : Letter Three | Ben Fagerland


    Often the small things in life can lead to big things down the track. It’s the same with faith. If we make small changes in the scriptures or small compromises in our lives, it changes the trajectory of our lives. Around 2000 years ago, Jesus spoke to a church who were making small compromises and he did not mince his words. Check out this week’s message out of Revelation -The Letter to Pergamum.

  • VII - A Study In The Book Of Revelation : Letter Two | Ben Fagerland


    We can all experience seasons where our faith is tested. Today many Christians around the world find their faith being tested when they experience persecution for following Jesus. Sadly, this persecution is increasing. So, what would Jesus say to those who are going through persecution? Should they escape? Deny Jesus and save their lives? Just under 2000 years ago, Jesus sent a letter to a church in Smyrna who were experiencing this very thing. The advice he gave them, is the advice he gives us. Check out this week’s message out of Revelation -The Letter To Smyrna.

  • VII - A Study In The Book Of Revelation : Letter One | Ben Fagerland


    Revelation. It’s a book in the Bible that can equally confuse and intrigue us. Filled with scrolls, trumpets, horsemen, rapture, end times…There’s letters of encouragement and letters of warning. Does anyone else get a little overwhelmed reading this book? If you find Revelation challenging to read or are curious to know more, don’t miss this series! Join us as we unpack and understand more about the book of Revelation, and the seven letters within.

  • But First Jesus | Ruth Hooper


    Life is full of opportunities, distractions and moments. We all have the same, fixed amount of time in each day, each week, each month. How we spend that time, matters. Jesus offers us an open invitation to follow Him. In this message, we explore what it looks like to accept that invitation, follow Jesus and reshuffle our priorities for Kingdom purpose.

  • Beyond This World : The Tale of Two Rich Men | Matt Wynne


    God has created people for eternity. When we die, we graduate into eternal life. What eternity looks like for us depends on the decisions we make today. Many people spend a lifetime pursuing things that hold no eternal significance. In the bible we read about two rich men who encountered Jesus. One found salvation, the other walked away sorrowful. How could two people in such similar positions end up in stark contrast destinations? Find out this Sunday, for our last message in the series, ‘Beyond This World’.

  • Beyond This World : Giving Here and Building There | Ben Fagerland


    Whatever has our heart has our focus, time, energy and resources. This is true in every area of our lives. For Christians, it’s the same. When our hearts are moved and stirred by God, we become focused on the Kingdom Of God. When it comes to our finances, we are happy to give towards God and His purposes because He has our heart. Christians attach Kingdom purpose to Earthly wealth. This isn’t new, Gods people have always done this and now it is time for this generation of people to do the same.

  • Beyond This World : Manage Your Blessing | Ben Fagerland


    Everyone has values. Our values often reflect our priorities or what’s important to us. For Christians, when we become followers of Jesus our values often change to reflect the priorities of the Kingdom of God. One of Jesus’s values is how we manage our wealth. It might shock you, but nearly half of Jesus parables are about wealth. If these things matter to Jesus, they matter to us. Join us for month’s series ‘Beyond This World’ as we take a look the eternal impact we make with our earthly wealth. Week one kicks off with a message called ‘Manage Your Blessing’.

  • Clean Heart : Whispers | Ben Fagerland


    There is nothing wrong with a little gossip right? Well God doesn’t think so. One of the most dangerous things we can do is judge ourselves by our own standards. This week we kick off our series with a message about the dangers and impacts of gossip.

  • Stir Up Your Faith | Matt Wynne


    I don’t think anybody would have predicted the events of the past 3 years. We have had killer viruses, lockdowns, masks, fires, you name it, it’s probably happened. Maybe because of all this your life feels a little messy. Although our lives can feel messy when our surroundings are messy, if our lives remain messy it’s really a faith problem. Many things, like challenging times, can steal our faith but the good news is you can always stir it back up. Ps Matt will talk about how to stir up your faith this Sunday.

  • The Eternal King : Easter Sunday | Ben Fagerland


    Easter is a love story centring around The Eternal King Jesus. Jesus was moved by great love for people and left Heaven to became a mortal man. See, in order to help humanity, He would need to become Human. On the darkest day in human history The Eternal King Jesus died on a cross at the hands of the very people he came to save. But His death would not last and it gave way to life. The Eternal King Jesus was resurrected by Sunday and continues to reign today offering eternal life anyone who chooses it. This is the story of Easter.

  • The Eternal King : Good Friday | Ben Fagerland


    Easter is a love story centring around The Eternal King Jesus. Jesus was moved by great love for people and left Heaven to became a mortal man. See, in order to help humanity, He would need to become Human. On the darkest day in human history Jesus died on a cross at the hands of the very people he came to save. The Eternal King Jesus gave us eternal life at the cost of his own.

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